Since I now have a digital camera that I got for Christmas one year over a year ago, once I learn how to use it I should be able to get a more recent picture of me on my computer,I just don't know when that will be since I don't know how long it will take to learn how to use it. Although now I won't have to wait until then to get a more recent picture of me online because I left on July 15th to go on vacation to Alaska to visit my parents, and I will give all of the details on that on either this/my home page or my All About Me Home Page so Daddy scanned in a recent picture of me that was taken at my Church at home the Sunday before I left, and the shirt in the picture is my Camp Smile t-shirt for this year. I also got this picture on my Pic Tiger account.
I happen to really love that picture a lot, and I'm wearing one pair of my current glasses in it, and my other pair would be my red glasses, I got 2 pair, and there my 5th pairs of glasses, I had my 4rth pair for over 6 years, and I love my glasses a lot. Eventually I will put those pictures of my friends, and I up that are on my computer at home too but I can't right now since my computer is at home, and those pictures are on it, and aren't with me.